On meter waves "Marine knife slips, both in the light swell, the passengers are experiencing strong impulses s-strokes. The boat is almost on an even keel, providing even great excitement comfort, not attainable form on any other boat of traditional contours. Moreover, crossing Chezapiksky bay boat Payne met with a hail of wind and a very nasty 1.5-meter waves of short length - from 6 to 9 pm And in these circumstances boat behaved consistently, you can go without slowing down. Tests showed that the "knife case" provide a quiet, smooth action for the backward wave, or wave, aimed at foreign exchange angle of 50 . When a wave board "Sea Knife" starts, like any boat, have a lateral rocking, but the amplitude (time-mahi kachkn) is less than a traditional boat hull form. If the wave comes from the stern quarter, a boat strongly zaryskivaet, the driver in this case must be very careful.
Each ship has its own, peculiar oscillation period in its six degrees of freedom. For boats are the most important pitching pitching. Most of them at the same time responsive to the wave, hence the repeated blows of the water body - the so-called "sleming. The "Sea Knife" significantly lower natural frequency of the body, so that he has a certain inertia in relation to shock waves. Mode motion "knife" Payne calls "subcriticality" unlike "supercriticality" mode of motion common boats in which the natural frequency of longitudinal vibrations higher than the frequency of the waves. As a result, the resonance countered that feels "supercriticality" body, become unbearable for the crew, threatening the strength of structures.
Each ship has its own, peculiar oscillation period in its six degrees of freedom. For boats are the most important pitching pitching. Most of them at the same time responsive to the wave, hence the repeated blows of the water body - the so-called "sleming. The "Sea Knife" significantly lower natural frequency of the body, so that he has a certain inertia in relation to shock waves. Mode motion "knife" Payne calls "subcriticality" unlike "supercriticality" mode of motion common boats in which the natural frequency of longitudinal vibrations higher than the frequency of the waves. As a result, the resonance countered that feels "supercriticality" body, become unbearable for the crew, threatening the strength of structures.