The organism all turned pandemnio. But it did not have skill: the anus remained firm. There the heart, deeply tormented and hurt, the veins bleeding, the full eyes of tears, the intestines in revolution of borborigmos, the gasping pulmes, all the agencies had entered in panic. General impasse, without viable agreement. Playing last cartada, pra to remove the anus of the intention to take the power in the body, all the agencies, of fixes, had pparently taken the conciliatory one, but humilhante decision: they had been kneel and they ahead prostraram of the small little showy agency, requesting to it mercy, in the extreme attempt to make the peace to come back to the organism. But the anus was not comoveu. It beat firm the foot: ' ' To choose when me president of the body, I open.
Without this, he does not have acordo' '. Extenuados, without more arguments, loosers for the fatigue, advised for the heart and under the command of the brain, the agencies had taken the vexatious one, however the most sensible decision: to recognize the landlord of its Majesty the anus on the entire body. Constrangidos, but certain that it was the only wise and viable solution, had convoked extraordinary meeting of all the agencies with the presence of the anus, under the presidency delegated of the brain, elect spokesman and interpreter ' ' ad hoc ' ' of its pairs. They had decided: ' ' We, greaters and minors agencies, premidos and espremidos for the evidences, recognizing the strategical importance Mr. anus on all the body; recognizing, outrossim, that, without the participation of it, the organism does not function right; recognizing that it is our friend and brother, whose work is of utmost importance pra the calmness and general well-being of the body; recognizing its high artillery and to be able of fire, and that the destination of all we are in good hands, we decide to all deliver to the keys of the administration of the body to the brave brother cu.
Without this, he does not have acordo' '. Extenuados, without more arguments, loosers for the fatigue, advised for the heart and under the command of the brain, the agencies had taken the vexatious one, however the most sensible decision: to recognize the landlord of its Majesty the anus on the entire body. Constrangidos, but certain that it was the only wise and viable solution, had convoked extraordinary meeting of all the agencies with the presence of the anus, under the presidency delegated of the brain, elect spokesman and interpreter ' ' ad hoc ' ' of its pairs. They had decided: ' ' We, greaters and minors agencies, premidos and espremidos for the evidences, recognizing the strategical importance Mr. anus on all the body; recognizing, outrossim, that, without the participation of it, the organism does not function right; recognizing that it is our friend and brother, whose work is of utmost importance pra the calmness and general well-being of the body; recognizing its high artillery and to be able of fire, and that the destination of all we are in good hands, we decide to all deliver to the keys of the administration of the body to the brave brother cu.