
Popular Party In 1997, when anniversary of this Hinkcley slaughter was marked the 150 had the anger to go there although it did not make any vindication. From 1857 it would be growing the pressure on mormones, which would take to clear to them right electoral or to confiscate properties to them. In Utah, whose territories constantly were mutilated to him, they organized their own party (the popular one) against its opponents (liberal). Nevertheless, in 1890 the mormonismo gives a radical turn prohibiting the polygamy and looking for to move away of the comunitarismo and the political kingdom, consequently they began to be considered like another more promotional church of American values. Six years later Utah he would arrive to be recognized like a State. Towards the republicanism mormones would dissolve to their Popular Party until ending up embracing in their great majority which initially as much it attacked to them: the republicanism. In the highest hierarchy mormona is the President, who is considered a prophet who directly receives revelations of God and that is usually the most adult member of his Quorum of the twelve apostles. During three decades, from 1903 to 1933, this directive accepted that one of their apostles (Reed Smoot) is republican senator by Utah. Soon Ezra Taft Benson, being one of the twelve apostles, would be minister of agriculture and one of the most preservative figures of the republican government of Ike Eisenhower (1953-61). Between 1985 and 1994 he would be the President of the mormonismo whereas Hincley would be its second. According to he recognizes the extensive Mormona Encyclopedia published by this congregation 69% of mormones are republican, party in which they feel more to taste due to their conservatism. During the administrations of Reagan and both Bush several important positions have been into the hands...
Integrated System During the picoturstico (carnival) the city receives the call ' ' populaotransitria' ' , about 500.000 people. To if establishing, this populaogera benefits right-handers but, also, generates problems as the increase in lathe de1,7 tons/day in the RSU production. The present study it had for objective, in general way, analisaro Integrated System of Handling and Treatment of the Solid Residues adopted comomodelo technological to manage the RSUs produced in the city of Salvador.De specific way, searched to represent by means of organization charts the constituent eeventos stages of the process. This study it still intends, to leave dosresultados gotten, to contribute in the enrichment of the quantity technician; action deinvestigao, intervention and future politics of management on the part of the poderescompetentes. The study source was carried through by means of documentary research tendocomo the mensurados surveys, research and, mainly, data registradose of the Company of Urban Cleanness of Salvador. Tambmos data of the model of management of the implanted RSUs had been analyzed. The stage of collection eagrupamento of the data was carried through in the period of April the September of 2009. 2.A MANAGEMENT OF the RSUs. In accordance with the Brazilian constitution in 196 Art. and the LeiOrgnica Municipal theatre of Salvador in art. 204, the health is right of all and deverda public administration having to be reduced all the eminent risks the universal estedireito. The CF in the Art.225 and the LOM of Salvador in 204 Art. pair. Vtratam also on the right to the environment ecologically balanced. Paraatender to the considered one in the legislation, a basic step that must be given public pelaadministrao is the correct final destination of the RSUs. The correct destination of the urban solid residues (RSU) namaioria of the Brazilian cities still is subject of little relevance. Segundodados of...