
Government Mercosur The senator Jose Agripino, another opponent to welcome in Venezuela, remembered that Mercosur has signed a Free Trade Agreement with Israel, country with which Chvez are broken relations. What will happen with Israel, what will happen with the commercial negotiation that the Mercosur is prepared to retake with the European Union (the EU) if it is accepted to which, like Chvez, considers the free commerce a form of capitalist oppression? , raised Agripino, of the divided opponent Democratic. Votar by the entrance is to vote by not Been of Right. Reinvidica Chvez to the Carlos terrorist the Jackal, estatiza hotels, closes competing mass media. She is not ready to enter the Mercosur, said to the senator Alvaro Days, of the PSDB of ex- president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. But even allied of the government they were critics with the administration of Chvez: I vote by the entrance from Venezuela to the Mercosur, because vote reason why is good for my State, I am not going to vote by Hugo Chavez, he is Moorible, a day will die, said to the senator centrist Wellington Salgado. On the other hand, the head of the pro-government block in the Senate, Juc Rosemary, of the Party of the Movement of Brazilian Democracia (PMDB), main ally of the Party of the Workers, declared that Venezuela is good for South America, for the integration process. And he is better for Venezuela, to improve his transparency, so that we have more mechanisms to demand more democracy and respect to the human rights . Before this step taken by Brazil. Mature Nicholas Venezuelan minister, said that the Government of Chvez follows arranged to wait for " with patience and optimismo" the conclusion of " steps formales". According to Mature, " who sees the close political relations and of confidence...