
Argentine Government Clearly global experience shows that it is best to ensure the withdrawal of workers is that it rests on a private pension system. One could ask: not have failed perhaps regulations imposed by the Government? Have do not you given the instability of the country, the mortal blow to private retirement and pension system? Therefore, I think that not worth discussing if the Argentine private pension system turned out to be ineffective or not, but making progress in the analysis and try to investigate a little further about the real reasons why the Government is interested in reestatizar to the pension system. On this, I think that there is almost unanimous agreement that behind the Government's decision there is a need and an interest in the box generated by the system. The AFJP receive an annual flow of $15 billion (about US $4,600 million), which would be useful for the Government in a 2009 in where markets will be closed for finance to the Argentina. But the fears generated by this decision go beyond and there are those who think from the opposition that parts of these funds could be used to increase public spending in an election year. Thus, can condemn the squandering of funds raised by the system failure in a short time. The truth is that beyond everything, there is no guarantee that the Argentine Government can improve the efficiency of the retirement system. Worse, for the attentive decision against the development of the local capital market. This is because, although the contribution of the AFJP in the local stock market was not be too relevant, generated an increased flow of funds and an increased liquidity in the market. With the improvement in the economic situation of the country, which could translate into an improvement in the...
Objectives Documentation When we are going to prepare a speech, speech, talk etc. is essential that we reflect, firstly, on what our objective, that is, what we want to achieve and who want to go. Based on this we will have to decide on different aspects that you end up configuring our performance, our discourse. Thus, before thinking what we mean in our discourse, must make us three basic questions:-why I am addressing the audience with a speech? -What I want to achieve with my speech? -What desire that receiving people do or feel after my speech? Documentation before starting a speech, is critical knowledge and mastery of the subject. It will be necessary to reflect on what we know, but thinking that they cannot be us doubts, since to where we are headed, expect that our exhibition will serve to clarify and resolve the less well-known aspects and which may be reason for conflict. To this end, we documentaremos us with all kinds of information that do our best (publications, informed people) to thus also reinforce our arguments. Taking into account always the importance of facts, since these constitute the raw material of information. Preparation of speech once sufficiently documented, must begin to bring order to our knowledge. Enough to have information, is not necessary to also ensure that this reaches the public in the most understandable way. It is important to speak in a structured way in order that facilitates the follow-up from the audience. The structure of a discourse is equivalent to the index of the books or the titles of the chapters. Most commonly used in a discourse structure types are the following: problem/solution (describe, discuss and present solutions), chronological (origin, development and current situation), theme (enumeration of the key points of the subject of closer to less...