
Parties Good start. The first and the last sentence of a speech are fundamental. There to capture the public's attention from the beginning and conclusion of leaving a good feeling. Once met with formalities as a thank for the invitation, practical issues, etc. to report, you start with the substantial part of our speech, we should do so with a general introductory paragraph that summarizes what was going to say and why you are interested in that topic. This paragraph should have the virtue of capturing the attention of the audience and indicate the thread of our thinking. From here they are sorted ideas sequentially succeeding ones and others according to a logical structure. To prepare our speeches, we must look for an interesting start. Some ways are:-referring to the auditorium with some form of identification: (if it is a group of amateur film people) people cinematic that I know - referring to the theme (if it is interesting enough and no other resources): the Oscar gala... -Rhetorical question on the topic: where could you start? What questions we could ask about? (without waiting for response, we answer). -Timely quote (from the media): appeared in the press yesterday, the quality of the films produced in Spain has done which are the most viewed in the last month.It is advisable to point in the script the initial phrase of our discourse. The difficulty of finding a good home demoralizes the speaker, delay the speech body and can mess it up. Finish well. The end of the speech should be a compendium of what has been said and, in most cases, you should include the following elements:-a short, concentrated in one or two sentences, the main content of the speech. -Any proposal or resolution that is inferred from the body of the speech....
Communication Purpose The power of the speech lies exclusively in knowing it used, by both the issuer and receiver of this. A factor that influences much in this aspect, is the purpose of the same speech. I.e., it has to be very aware the purpose pursued, thus carry out all necessary and proper means. It is also important in factors such as this much delimit to the sender of the message, since if it is not limited to certain preset rules, anyone could say something and consider it as a speech and a means of social power. Depending on the ultimate goal of speech or of the person who the XL1, are the kind of rules that will be used. Some are more open and free, while others are much more stringent to avoid ambiguity in speech topics and how they are used. In the text, the author uses the term ritual refers to the most common rules used by people who use speech. It might sound like a routine, but we have rules introduced in our way of life by what is no longer something I have to think about before carrying it out. Refers not only to the way of speaking or manners that are used against the public, but also how to act, the gestures and the characteristics of each, Deadbolts checking so it is not a term that applies equally to anyone. It has to do rather with the subject that it manages in the discourse and the category where this fall. Equally, the individuality of each emitter is seen by the way in which uses personal resources knowing well what they benefit or harm for the final purpose.