The reality is that in an interview properly managed, this does not happen. Thus, the thread of the Exchange arises from the discourse of the interviewee and the interviewer is responsible for directing and to proceed with the interview. It is important to repair these preconceptions, because it is that definition that ultimately determines the style of link and communication. Another guiding idea refers to believe that first impression is the one that counts. Such a concept is not only false, but that leads us to interpret what we perceive light of our prejudices and prevents us from tackling the interviewee with some degree of naivety. In this way, we run the risk of conceiving to the interview as an Oracle and not as a space for learning and mutual understanding. Another riskier illusions is to consider that the interviewee does not choose and visualize the interviewer as the dealer and owner of a benefit. One no minor detail, is freedom and flexibility with which applicants are conducted when opting for a job offer.
Delaying the decision-making process generally involves losing candidate, since today the candidates participate in various searches simultaneously and are able to choose the proposal that more convenient them and to define more quickly. It is definitely a back and forth, both, both company and candidate elected. Returning to the theme of the interview as a tool, its wealth lies in the possibility of granting freedom to who speaks and to whom challenged, the Faculty drivers with moderation and oratory that acuity. To successfully pass through this phase of the interview, we must you have clear and defined an objective about what we need to investigate and find. For this reason, it is necessary to know in depth the technical profile (technical skills) as the psychological profile (management powers). It is essential to ask questions that allow us to estimate how the applicant behaves in certain situations, which are their values and preconceptions, how that reacts to complex circumstances and how has managed to develop their competencies throughout your job journey.
Delaying the decision-making process generally involves losing candidate, since today the candidates participate in various searches simultaneously and are able to choose the proposal that more convenient them and to define more quickly. It is definitely a back and forth, both, both company and candidate elected. Returning to the theme of the interview as a tool, its wealth lies in the possibility of granting freedom to who speaks and to whom challenged, the Faculty drivers with moderation and oratory that acuity. To successfully pass through this phase of the interview, we must you have clear and defined an objective about what we need to investigate and find. For this reason, it is necessary to know in depth the technical profile (technical skills) as the psychological profile (management powers). It is essential to ask questions that allow us to estimate how the applicant behaves in certain situations, which are their values and preconceptions, how that reacts to complex circumstances and how has managed to develop their competencies throughout your job journey.