
Smart Relationship Then bring you the significance that is eliminated in his speech: the possibility that this woman does not share their projects. Naive me! Me responds: do and that what does it matter? There are so many women!. This is the place of the object for him: does it matter? There are so many, and continues his mad race to nowhere. There is no desire, there is no object of desire, because it is not libido in the field of the other. This disrupts the relationship with each other: in the field of love, in the field of desire, in the field of analysis. Then, isn't there transfer in psychosis?. Obviously imaginary transfer, the libidinal cathexis of an image projected onto the analyst, occurs in psychosis, which resists the analysis is its excess, not their absence. The psychotic transferred to the analytical situation that continues repeating their relationship with the discourse of the other: his delusional relationship with each other. Jose was a child Smart, normal, only thing that attracted attention in the small Joseph, was one obsessive fear that others used their belongings: clothes, utensils, etc. After the death of his father, Joseph joined a religious sect. The sect absorbed him completely. Care you even what would be his highest professional work: the construction of a temple. Everything seems to go on wheels, at least for Jose, and then break. Jose breaks up with his girlfriend. Sooner or later it breaks with the sect. He then returned to the maternal home, to offer as object of the other. The first symptom reported by the family is an attempt to incestuous kiss on the mouth to his mother. Shortly afterwards it cannot locate underpants. This loss apart it. It remains 18 hours standing, motionless and silent. When you return to speak...
German Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche said: nothing more hypocritical than the Elimination of hypocrisy.When the German Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher cited that thought, perhaps thought that the hypocrites who refuse to own hypocrisy. To identify a hypocrite there are some essential points: 1. never tell you the things in front, not what they really think, even when they are with you they say that want you and tell you what you want to hear. 2. Usually people are very bitter, with much resentment and lack of self-worth, never withstand that someone is better than them in any category. 3. They are people who need the attention and gain notoriety, by his great need for recognition and a great lack of own acceptance. 4. Never are they glad sincerely the achievements of your friends, however are very charismatic people and they can give the image of kindness. 5 Always talk behind your back and handling information that have previously had access, even in your own circle of friends. 6 When they are with you, you're the best, the most good person, you are an Idol for them. They are all compliments when you're with them. The typical Wolf in sheep skin. 7. A hypocrite ever say is that who has done wrong you, which is what a true friend would do in the event that you were. 8. Always try to hurt, with the information that you yourself have given you and you can be drinking coffee with you, but inside his heart, there is only bitterness. 9. Does not accept other people succeed, and if so is somewhat murky why did obtain it and undertakes to disseminate with changes and inventions that suit him. 10 Only be friends with a person full of hypocrisy you wears, because they do not achieve their inner peace,...