
Vichy Opposition Opponents of Vichy by Luis Manuel Aguana the occasion of the 2011 Census has been test the real attitude of some parties and candidates of the democratic opposition in relation to position assume before this new instrument of the regime of Hugo Chavez. The position has been varied before the 2011 Census, from say nothing to declare openly in favor, passing through the analysis of the questionnaire excluding questions considered as serious interference to the privacy of individuals, the TSJ requesting the cancellation of such questions in the questionnaire. I have no intention from these lines divide the organized democratic opposition, set only the existence of the polychromy of our opposition in relation to controversial topics leadership, which in some cases, like the present, border on the contradictory and that put at risk the seriousness and coherence in discourse against the current regime, reason why should not be surprised of the because the opposition country distrusts the leadership of some leaders. I wish to note Here the position that some civil society spokesmen have taken in relation to the 2011 Census doesn't match an antagonistic reaction to wishful thinking. It is a coherent and sustained response to the historical enforceable in this Government that have caused anguish and pain to the Venezuelan family in 13 years. He only mentioned the Tascon list, persecutions and expropriations, the death of Franklin Brito, the vexations Dr. Maria Afiuni and unjust sentence of 30 years to the Commissioners Simonovis, Vivas and Forero, are just a sample that we have valid reasons why concern ourselves before anything to do that it may mean a new episode of persecution. Now well, when one sees on television to presidential candidates of the opposition made publicly on 2011 Census questionnaire knowing better that this situation, nobody can not...
Successful Blogging Make a blog sticky. Only the title, probably did hesitate a little about this article. Why would you make a blog sticky?. Let's see how to make a blog to be successful to make money on-line. Luckily, it is not as complicated as it might seem. How to make a blog successful and has a strong readership base?, who return to see the latest updates on a regular basis?. These faithful readers love what you write and they will always return. In many respects, a small group of loyal visitors is better than a large number of visitors who come by once and then never return. For faithful readers, a blog should be sticky. In other words, those who come to read what you've written, you will love enough to do that again to the blog on a regular basis. There are ways of achieving this stickiness. Here are some tips that may be of interest to you. Focus on a subject. Trafficking in maintaining a list of categories in a short term. People who come to read your blog often, come because they are an interesting topic. Deviating from a topic specific to start another and so on only creates a lot of boring readers who finally depart. Keep an interesting topic explaining write more on that particular topic, will keep the readers who came to learn more. Interactivity. Internet today is for interaction. A blog is no different. Your readers can contribute great ideas and some ideas can do to improve your blog, but you never know if you don't interact with them. A blog is not only a place to publish and read. Your readers can comment on the way possible if they make any inquiry, you must respond in an environmentally friendly manner. Opinion on the...