After making an unsystematic first and systematic reading later, trilogy of novels by Samuel Beckett Molloy, Malone dies and the Unnamable (Gove Press. New York, 1955, 1956, 1958) and the novel by Jose Donoso the obscene bird of night (Seix Barral, Spain, 1970), this reader concluded that the significant core of both productions was that of identity as a problem. But despite present versions of the self in emergency, basic conception of identity - perhaps implied - it was opposite in both authors. For example, it is difficult to stop thinking about dopey/Humberto Penaloza in Donoso's novel, in their endless search for identity if we listen to the Innombrable, in the novel by the Irish author and that closes the trilogy of novels previously mentioned cycle. I'm not, no need to say it, Murphy, or Watts, or Mercier, I can not even encourage me to name them, nor to any of the others of same names I forgot, they told me that I was them, that should trying to be them, by compulsion or fear, or to prevent recognize me (The Unnamable, in Three Novels by Samuel Beckett, Grove Press, New York, 1965, p. 326.) Translation mine). To this uncertain individuality will correspond a kind of marginal character in social physical plane: Molloy et Malone meurt ces deux derniers roimans jeu mettent les themes, chers l auteur of the dereliction of the solitude et de egarement., says Dominique Leduc in Samuel Beckett, Hatier, Brussels, 1986, page 12 characters from Beckett from More Pricks than Kicks (1934) and Murphy (1934) to How it is (1961)they correspond, if we want to use a trial of Impressionist, vagabonds, grosella, clochards, physically reduced to a minimum and mentally claudicantes, whose main activity is the permanent and incessant discourse, speculation, the inventory of their possessions material and psychological, basically at the level of consciousness and found reduced materially to the margins of social life.