
Joaquin Sabate To reach the nineties, now under the direction of Miguel Iglesias dancer, his largest creative source came from Lidice Nunez, although figures such as Jorge Abril and Isidro Rolando also developed a significant work. This choreographer dominated the scene dance company for almost a decade, until the advent of new generations of graduates of ENA, who brought the improntu creative to other areas already in the late 20th century and early years of the 21st, not to mention creative collaborations of outsiders as Jan time, Samir Akika, artists Joaquin Sabate and the own Mats Ek seconded by his wifeSpanish ballerina Anna lagoon. Today George Cespedes, Osnel Delgado and Julio Cesar Iglesias (son of the director of the company) are responsible for continuing the legacy of Ramiro from a contemporary discourse, using the resources that facilitates global and digital era today for the benefit of the Mise en scene. Countless are the prizes that earned the company over its almost fifty-two years of existence. Collective prizes and prizes individual, both for the choreographers who have worked on it during all that time, as for many of the dancers who have participated in his works. However, in their lines there is someone who has not been sufficiently recognised. It's the first dancers and Maitre of modern dance, Luis Roblejo Rivas. The world of dance is sometimes very misunderstood (and incomprehensible at the same time) and perhaps this is what has happened with this figure of Cuban modern and contemporary dance. Since his graduation from the national school of art in 1977 he participated in the vast majority of the dance repertoire of the company and despite this its importance and performance have been poorly evaluated, when not completely overlooked. Endowed with an impeccable technique, and despite his short stature he shone on...
State Department Now, right political and intellectual circles, have two great themes of ideological depth, which dedicate all discursive opposition effort, bath with totuma and blackouts. Meanwhile in the world develop major events, which truly have a real significance and that they go completely unnoticed. The trivialization of speech and ideas, is the method with which this opposition retrograde thinks influence in the collective imagination of our people, to lift the Chavez of power and the hearts of the people. Bad comedians of the table of the unit, have a Caracas metropolitan Mayor, that doesn't govern, but they along with a purported, ridiculous and illicit Metropolitan Chancellor, travel the world in search of repudiation and condemnation to this regime dictatorial revolutionary, before international bodies and to the various parliaments in many countries of Europe, America and the world. That if with tickets and per diem provided by extreme continental right, with funding from the U.S. State Department. Who should not trivialise or neglecting us discourse, we cannot continue the game of this awkward and frustrated opposition. Sectors opposed to the revolutionary Government, have tried to take advantage up to climatic phenomena, such is the case with what is happening in our country with the phenomenon of the child or the South El Nino oscillation, which is a phenomenon with more than eleven thousand years of climatic history. Because of this phenomenon have been altered cycles of rain, causing droughts in good part of the world and particularly in our South American continent. This climatic phenomenon starts in the tropical Pacific Ocean near Australia and Indonesia, and with him is altered atmospheric pressure in very distant areas between Yes, changes in the direction and speed of winds and areas of rain moving in the tropical region. Due to these weather events, our country,...