They had signed the Protocol of Kyoto, set of means of litigating that stipulated the reduction in 5,2% of the emission of gases greenhouse, in relation to the 1990 levels, between 2008 and 2012. In meanwhile the United States, responsible greaters for the emission of these gases, if had denied to sign it for the impact that it would cause in its economy. In December of the passed year, in Copenhagen, Conference of United Nations occurred 15 on Change of the Climate. Although it has found the same impediments seen in Japan (with the reinforcement of the European Union), what if it saw in the Danish capital raises was it of the emergent countries, between which Brazil, for the adoption of measures emergencies. Moreover, weight names, as United States former-Vice-President and Prize Nobel of the Peace Al Gore and cineasta Canadian James Cameron, are engaged in this fight, what it still confers one weight bigger to the question.
New power plants are searched incessantly. In Portugal, the government of Jose Scrates determined, in 2006, that if it searchs more efficient a economic growth from the use of reduction and power plants you renewed of the emission of the .causing gases of the effect greenhouse. In Iceland, of the impronuncivel volcano Eyjafjallajkull, 80% of the energy of the country is renewable, being 80% of this total generated for geothermal plants and 20% of the plants hydroelectric plants, and intention is that, in a well next future, if reach the totality of what it is consumed in the country. In Brazil, our Etanol already supplies 100% of the cars manufactured from 2005 and the Brazilian Biodiesel is the alternative most efficient to the oil diesel extracted of the oil, therefore it is renewable and biodegradvel. Still thus, the exploration of energies you renewed, as the aeolian one and the solar one still is very on this side of its potential Another form that could? would have? well more to be spread out in brazilian lands is the recycling of the garbage.
New power plants are searched incessantly. In Portugal, the government of Jose Scrates determined, in 2006, that if it searchs more efficient a economic growth from the use of reduction and power plants you renewed of the emission of the .causing gases of the effect greenhouse. In Iceland, of the impronuncivel volcano Eyjafjallajkull, 80% of the energy of the country is renewable, being 80% of this total generated for geothermal plants and 20% of the plants hydroelectric plants, and intention is that, in a well next future, if reach the totality of what it is consumed in the country. In Brazil, our Etanol already supplies 100% of the cars manufactured from 2005 and the Brazilian Biodiesel is the alternative most efficient to the oil diesel extracted of the oil, therefore it is renewable and biodegradvel. Still thus, the exploration of energies you renewed, as the aeolian one and the solar one still is very on this side of its potential Another form that could? would have? well more to be spread out in brazilian lands is the recycling of the garbage.