
European Descent The proper name of the state is of aboriginal origin, even so glamour of the European descent still persists in the way of many families of Portuguese, French, dutch, English, Italian, Spanish origin and other origins. Exactly the Arab marks have its charm, what it does not occur with the remainders of aboriginals and Africans. As in this study, the object is to deal with antecedents and historical of the city of Parnamirim, it searched to show to all the politician-economic and sociocultural relations that, of some form have contributed for the formation of a society, having considered the approach of the social history of the communities (BURKE, 2008). The aboriginal toponymy tupi in the states and cities of Brazil is the registered mark of the aboriginal historiografia and interests the sociolingstica its study, considering the aboriginal group as important element in the formation of the Brazilian society. Thus, some aboriginal vocbulos Tupi are incorporated the Toponymy of the Portuguese Language of Brazil, in names of States, Cities and Rivers of Brazil, since century XVI. Examples: Amap, (Been of the region north) according to some scholars, ama' comes from tupi; Par, tree of the Apocynaceae family, Hancornia amapa, amap, very abundant in the region. Ananindeua (city of the region metropolitan of Par) Acegu (aboriginal name of the Rio Grande Do Sul): it comes of asy (moon) + k (hole) = Valley of the moon. Hole of the moon. Aracaju (Capital of Sergipe): It has studious that they give timo tupi air (to be born) and ka' yu (cajueiro). Others say that the name also comes of tupi a' frog aka' yu (cajueiro of the parrots), being this last more accepted form. Araatuba (city of the interior of the state of So Paulo): Araatuba comes of arrack (small fruit similar to...
Conclusion The man will become exempts to vender its force of work for who understands well. But in the reality, what if he perceives is a sobrante army of people who are obliged to work to possess and to keep its state of welfare. Who is refused to accept the form of domination of the companies, changeds into a being delinquent, who remain the sides of the society and, is seen as a different one. The proper companies keep rules, the one that ' ' colaboradores' ' modern are submitted. The working law conquered with much blood and fights for the classroom, is changedded into simple useless papers. Today, if an employee who does not submit the overtime established by the company, will be able certainly to receive a resignation without joust cause for if denying cumprils. A person whom if she denies to work to the ends of week and holidays, exactly fulfilling its horria load during this, also submits itself to the unemployment. Therefore she is that we can say that exists internal norms that are escravizantes, and that seno fulfilled, places the person in a situation of conflict with the company. The human resources that control the staff all are a selection tool, that works in favor of this domination. When contracting they make an analysis on the past of the candidate, aiming at the physical integration the intellectual of the worker. If they perceive a capacity criticizes and intellectual in relation to the work conditions and rights, discard without exitar. That is, freedom does not exist. Or if vende, respecting the exploratrias norms, or if it becomes plus one in the reserve mass, more known as dismissed. Conclusion We can affirm that, we live at a moment where the submission if becomes inside obligator of the companies...