
Established Internal Public Debt For a reason or purpose illustration if to consider a story of kings in 1902, capitalized semester with interests composites of 5% to the year, today we would have around 140 stories of kings. In 1910 to construct to one kilometer of railroad (understanding the land, the railway line with the dormentes, the rolling material, the fence, the telegraph, the station and the warehouse) the accurate government it paid to the concessionaire 32 stories of kings, that is, the 140 stories of the 4,4 approximately kings are equivalent railroad km. Based in this comparison the government the equivalent would have to return to the carrier of a policy of a story of 1902 kings the 4,4 railroad km. How much valley today the Station of adjacent 4,4 Light and more km, well more than the R$3.000.000, 00 (three Real million) that the update of a policy of a story of kings reaches for the parity gold. Valley to say exactly that receiving this value, the carrier of the policy is having a loss, therefore the gold had a very great depreciation in recent years. Moreover, 98% of the headings that had been emitted had been played outside or burnt for the carriers, who had not had interest in change them in 1956, since what they went to receive, did not pay nor tram that would have that it takes them of gone and it comes back to the Sinking fund, and that they had also not questioned from fear the oppression of the successive governments of exception. This provided an enormous profit to the drawers of the headings that had hoarded an enormous patrimony, in detriment of the carriers of the headings. The consolidation of 1962 Through the Dec. n 4,069, of 11 of June of 1962, new consolidation was...
Surya News With regard to the sterilization of the hand parts - important protocol of biossegurana, to prevent crossed infection, widely commented in the Biossegurana article under the Legal Aspect, published in 23. edition of the magazine Surya News, fits to stand out the necessity of the use of a strap of chemical integrator in each package of the game of instruments (01 turbine and 01 against-angle) chemical preparations for sterilization in sterilizer. It is important that all the esterilizado material is opened in the front of the patient, at the moment of its attendance. The pointer strap/chemical emulator must be removed of the package and be glue in proper book for this type of notation, being requested the patient who dates and signs, as having testified such procedure, to the end of each attendance. With these cares and the documentation of the monitorizao of the sterilizer, through the biological test, carried through weekly, the professional will have as to prove that the instruments used in the treatment duly were esterilizados. Not rare, for the fact of the professional not to possess enough documentation, to produce test of that it did not act with guilt, being shown all the measures taken in relation to the patient, the legal actions can result in conviction of the professional. In accordance with the article 5, interpolated proposition VIII, of the Code of Odontolgica Ethics: ' ' it is to have basic of the professionals of the Odontologia to elaborate and to keep brought up to date handbooks of the patients, conserving them in archive prprio' '. Being thus, the absence of this documentation can try the conviction of the professional, also, in administrative proceeding, before the Regional Advice of Odontologia. All the odontolgica documentation is, for right, of the patient, having the professional the guard...