Meet Laika, who was found dead beast does not bark at him. Do huskies are well trained to give voice, this lack of an easy fix. Approaching the spot where the dog has found an animal, you must give a command "voice" and after a husky this team, to encourage her a treat or affection. At the training impact on voting more than ever requires patience. Force events should not be. Several of these exercises and the dog will understand what to do. Only after the above described classes will be developed husky to perfection, you can start training to approximate how required for testing. At a blood test track laid in the pure forest.
The length of the artificial track - 500 meters. Trace has at least three turns at an acute angle in the opposite direction. After 50 meters from the start trace is the first maturation beast. Following maturation are made every 150 meters. At the end of the track is laid animal carcass, stripped of the innards and sewn. On the following costs half a liter of blood to the animal, the carcass is laid out in end.
Blood is applied swab from the sponge attached to a stick 1,5 - 2 meters length or with a dropper. On average, two-step is applied one drop of blood. Maturation of the animal indicated thicker nakropleniem blood in one place. It is known that the test - a test of hunting skills and behavior of dogs in conditions as close to hunting.
The length of the artificial track - 500 meters. Trace has at least three turns at an acute angle in the opposite direction. After 50 meters from the start trace is the first maturation beast. Following maturation are made every 150 meters. At the end of the track is laid animal carcass, stripped of the innards and sewn. On the following costs half a liter of blood to the animal, the carcass is laid out in end.
Blood is applied swab from the sponge attached to a stick 1,5 - 2 meters length or with a dropper. On average, two-step is applied one drop of blood. Maturation of the animal indicated thicker nakropleniem blood in one place. It is known that the test - a test of hunting skills and behavior of dogs in conditions as close to hunting.