The narrative of another citizen discloses, without subtilities, present racism in the Brazilian society. In the told case to follow, it does not have the concern to occult and the speech is direct and clearly, without subterfuges. It tells that, when arguing a professional question with a manager of the same level, this answered to it: ' ' She places myself in its place! ' '. Same it if question: Which is the place of the blacks? In senzala? The meaning to place itself in its place is deeply discriminating and was express in an environment of work. When questioning an administrative problem, of equal for equal, as it would be normal in if treating to two controlling, the white manager did not accept to be questioned by a black woman, exactly that occupying a position of the same level that its. This reaction is part of an ideology of white racial superiority that the blacks are inferior and must limit the functions servants or, at least, assistant. When breaching with this paradigm, the black manager denied in its behavior the representations that are made by the whites on the blacks (Cardoso, 2003).
When using the expression: ' ' lugar is placed in its; ' , the white if used of the old jargon aristocrat and escravista of the colonial society, where the blacks ' ' sabiam' ' where it was its place. To not accepting the colleague as an equal one, it breached with the paradigms of the myth of the racial democracy, an ideology that denies the existence of the discrimination and proclaims the existence of harmony between blacks and whites. This alleged harmony will only exist if the black not to collate the white, not to occupy its space, therefore this ' ' it is part of our difficulties in surpassing the standards of inherent social relations to the social order escravocrata and senhorial' ' (Fernandes, 2008).
When using the expression: ' ' lugar is placed in its; ' , the white if used of the old jargon aristocrat and escravista of the colonial society, where the blacks ' ' sabiam' ' where it was its place. To not accepting the colleague as an equal one, it breached with the paradigms of the myth of the racial democracy, an ideology that denies the existence of the discrimination and proclaims the existence of harmony between blacks and whites. This alleged harmony will only exist if the black not to collate the white, not to occupy its space, therefore this ' ' it is part of our difficulties in surpassing the standards of inherent social relations to the social order escravocrata and senhorial' ' (Fernandes, 2008).